• Modify the Talk format
    • in a similar manner to my CV
  • Transfer it to my own site?
  • Add contact email to side bar
    • seems in _includes/author-profile.html

Install Environment

Refer to:

brew update-reset
brew install ruby-build

gem install bundler
gem install jekyll
# install nodejs:

use rbenv to create env:

User the command from here that could actually install ruby on M1/M2 (although sad x86 in the command):

CFLAGS="-Wno-error=implicit-function-declaration" RUBY_CONFIGURE_OPTS='--with-readline-dir=/usr/local/opt/readline/' arch -x86_64 rbenv install 2.7.6
rbenv global 2.7.6

in bash.rc:

export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"                                            eval "$(rbenv init -)"  

check version:

ruby -v

(Don’t use) I tried to use docker for all these build, used rvm but it seems I cannot install that on MacOS

# install rvm:

# install ruby
rvm install ruby-2.7.5

# How to use it:
rvm --default use ruby-2.7.5

ETH Webpage

ETH CS系的挂载主页:

在compile了本地文件以后(见intro - generate HTML),

# which did the following
# tar czvf _site.tar.gz _site/
# scp _site.tar.gz

For github page to update, push the changes, and wait a few minutes for github to update your page on

在eth server上解压,


# which did the following
# tar xzvf _site.tar.gz 
# rm -r public_html/*
# mv _site/* public_html/

For the eth host, I redirect to by adding this line in index.html

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL=" />


Generate HTML

Follow the instructions on

Run bundle clean to clean up the directory (no need to run –force)

Run bundle install to install ruby dependencies. If you get errors, delete Gemfile.lock and try again.

Run bundle exec jekyll liveserve to generate the HTML and serve it from localhost:4000 the local server will automatically rebuild and refresh the pages on change.

source ~/.bashrc
# everytime generate HTML
bundle clean --force
# rm _site/*html
# rm -r _site/talkmap _site/redirects.json _site/feed.xml _site/sitemap.xml _site/robots.txt _site/files _site/images _site/markdown_generator _site/talkmap 
# rm -r .DS_Store

# jekyll will automatically apply changes when you change .md files
bundle exec jekyll liveserve

# localhost:4000 in browser

Once pages are changes during serve, error messages may appear ERROR Errno::ECONNRESET: Connection reset by peer @ io_fillbuf - fd:20 but this doesn’t matter.

Latest way to update publication page

cd wenqi_generate_publications
### Update publications.yaml ###
cp ../_pages/

Apply Changes from Orignal Template to your own

Markdown style in this repo


The configuration file for the top menu is in _data/navigation.yml.

Top Bar


Manual of this Repo

Add images

must commit and push, before localhost can recognize it: they search from the git repo instead of local machine.

Empty Entry for Yaml

For example, in _publications/ , maybe there’s some field I do not want to fill, but the entry still need to be there.

In this case, use “~” or null as dummy info in that entry.

title: "Dynamic Sampling and Selective Masking for Communication-Efficient Federated Learning"
collection: publications
permalink: /publication/2020-3-21-Dynamic-Sampling-and-Selective-Masking-for-Communication-Efficient-Federated-Learning
excerpt: ~
date: 2020-3-21
venue: 'arXiv preprint'
paperurl: ~ 
citation:  ~ 

Add new pages to navigation bar

in _data/navigation.yaml, add the new page you want, e.g., contact

  - title: "Contact"
    url: /contact/

in _pages, creat a file named

title: ""
permalink: /contact/
author_profile: true

## Address

STF G222<br>
Stampfenbachstrasse 114<br>
8092 Zurich<br>

## Email

wenqi [dot] jiang [at]

Adding author to publications

My changes to the YML entries

For publications, I have three fields, author before me, myself, and after me. I applied bold text for my own name while keeping others normal, by changing “_includes/archive-single.html” and “_layouts/single.html”.

authors_before_me: ~
author_me: "Wenqi Jiang"
authors_after_me: ", Zhenhao He, Shuai Zhang, Thomas B. Preußer, Kai Zeng, Liang Feng, Jiansong Zhang, Tongxuan Liu, Yong Li, Jingren Zhou, Ce Zhang, Gustavo Alonso"


This file is used as template for overall publication list.

I added one line to it.

<p> <i></i> <i><b></b></i> <i></i> </p>


This file is used as template after people click one of your publications.

I added one line to it.

<p> <i></i> <i><b></b></i> <i></i> </p>

Shuai’s Solution: Editing


title: "Selected Publications"
permalink: /publications/
author_profile: true
[(Google Scholar Profile)]( [(Full List at DBLP)](

## Work in Progress
<b>[xFraud: Explainable Fraud Transaction Detection on Heterogeneous Graphs](</b><br>
Co-author, under review.<br>

<b>[MicroRec: Accelerating Deep Recommendation Systems to Microseconds by Hardware and Data Structure Solutions](</b><br>
Co-author, under review.<br>
<b>[DeGNN: Characterizing and Improving Graph Neural Networks with Graph Decomposition]()</b><br>
Co-author, under review.<br>

<b>[R2D2: Reuse & Reduce via Dynamic Weight Diffusion for Training Efficient NLP Models]()</b><br>
Co-author, under review.<br>

## Book Chapters

<b>[Deep Neural Networks based Recommender Systems](), 2020, to appear</b><br>
<b>Shuai Zhang</b>, Yi Tay, Lina Yao, Aixin Sun, Ce Zhang. <br>
<i>Book Title: [the 3rd edition of the recommender systems handbook]( </i> <br>
<i>Book Authors: Francesco Ricci, Lior Rokach, Bracha Shapira, Paul B. Kantor. </i> <br>
<i> Publisher: Springer. </i>

<b>[Recommender Systems](, 2019</b><br>
<b>Shuai Zhang</b>, Aston Zhang, Yi Tay. <br>
<i>Book Title: [Dive into Deep Learning]( </i> <br>
<i>Book Authors: Aston Zhang, Zack C. Lipton, Mu Li, Alex J. Smola. </i>

<b>[Deep Neural Networks meet Recommender Systems](, 2019</b><br>
<b>Shuai Zhang</b>, Lina Yao, Aixin Sun, Guibing Guo, Xiwei Xu, Liming Zhu. <br>
<i>Book Title: Big Data Recommender Systems: Recent Trends and Advances. </i> <br>
<i>Book Editors: Osman Khalid, Samee U. Khan,  Albert Y. Zomaya . </i> <br>
<i> Publisher: Institution of Engineering and Technology. </i>

## Conference Papers
<b>[Learning User Representations with Hypercuboids for Recommender Systems](</b><br>
<b>Shuai Zhang</b>, Huoyu Liu, Aston Zhang, Yue Hu, Ce Zhang, Yumeng Li, Tanchao Zhu, Shaojian He and Wenwu Ou. <br>
<b>WSDM 2021</b> [core A*]. <i>The 14th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining</i>. <br>

File Structure


website, photos, links, website organizations, etc.


**Most .md files are stored here. **

For example, “”, “”

Some templates of HTML.

For example, talk.html, teaching.html, give the title of that page.

layout: archive
title: "Talks and presentations"
permalink: /talks/
author_profile: true


Generated HTML files by jekyll.


navigation.yaml decides what bars appear on top of the website, e.g., talks, cv

Deploy on Amazon S3

Change the config.yml, so that the redirect base address is

#url                      : 
url                      :

In S3 console,


delete all existed file.

in this folder, generate HTML first

# everytime generate HTML
bundle clean

# jekyll will automatically apply changes when you change .md files
bundle exec jekyll liveserve

Then shut down this process, to provide read permission to S3

drag all the files in _site/ to upload panel in S3

** Problem using S3 **

After doing this, the index page is not response (neither localhost:4000 nor